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Show up For Black Women: We Deserve it

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Martin Luther King Jr. (Strength to Love, 1963)

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. There is such significance in this day and it holds such great meaning for many of us.

Black women’s role in the Civil Rights Movement in the United States is pivotal, because we were at the forefront of King’s fight for equality. In the midst of being the backbone of our families, we manage to stand up to systems that create inequality in an effort to create a more hopeful future for our descendants.

As was proven even more recently in the Georgia senate races, we show up and we show out. The one woman powerhouse Stacey Abrams, and many other black women have proven time and time again that the voice of black women will be heard and respected. We have a long track record of community care, in spite of the many negative depictions of our existence.

I couldn’t end Martin Luther King Jr. day without recognizing the force that black women are and the allies who support us. There is no better day to recognize that.

(Photo from Essence Magazine)


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