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For When You Feel Like Giving Up

Show yourself grace and ask for discernment.

Woman standing outside with hands clasped together prayerfully

The last week has been rough for a myriad of reasons, one of which includes the burial of my grandfather. With his passing I have been in a place of deep contemplation and reflection, because death tends to have that effect on me.

Since I could not make it to his funeral, I was able to view live on YouTube—thanks to modern technology. My uncle got up to the pulpit of the Roman Catholic Church where I did my First Communon, and gave a great eulogy about his deceased father. He said that my grandfather was a true master of many crafts and that he was able to provide for his family having never worked for another individual. He emphasized the importance of family to my grandfather and how all his efforts were directed to the well-being of his family.

I felt like he was speaking and pouring into my soul, because over the last few months, I have been thinking about the direction of my career. itseemed like I was searching for an answer and guidance and he provided it for me. In that moment, I also thought of my own father, his son, who always worked for himself. You see, I come from a paternal bloodline of very ambitious and creative individuals. What I have learned from them, is to go after what you want in this life.

If you have been contemplating starting a business, have started one that hasn't generated much income, or have an established business that you are starting to question its purpose, I implore you to start asking your "Why?" Examine whether the answer that once inspired, motivated and carried you is the same answer. If not, how has it changed and are you prepared to make the necessary changes to get you on the path that you're seeking.

I am a strong believer in knowing when to give up. Giving up on something is okay, especially when you are certain it is the right move for you. It is also okay to persevere for a dream, especially one that has lived within you for a long time.

As you go into the beginning of your week, I say go with faith and with God (or whomever or whatever you believe in). We all at the end of the day answer to ourselves at some point, and I hope your answer will always be, "I gave it my all."

Share moments in your life when you felt giving up was the best call or when you persevered.

(Photo by Diane Simumpande)


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