It’s the first day of February and a nor’easterhas made landfall in NYC. The city is a blanket of snow. Heavy snow and strong winds set the stage for weather that is perfect for staying indoor even more than we already are, and warm up, until the winds subside.
To stave off boredom in any snowstorm, here is a list of things you can do.
1. Make some comfort food. Anything that takes you back to your childhood is a great option. Whether it’s a family recipe passed down for generations or one of your own creations, just make it happen in the kitchen. Your stomach will thank you.
2. Play some of your favorite board games.Get a game you have not played in forever and get your mojo back. It’s the perfect day.
3. Make homemade popcorn while enjoying a movie marathon. Whether you’re into romantic comedies (romcom), comedy, action, etc., hunker down and enjoy at least two movies.
4. Have a dance party with your favorite tunes. Grab your partner and/or your kids and liven up the spirit. A snow day is a fun day. Move those hips and get a great workout from it. Make it pajama or robe day. You can’t beat comfy clothes.
5. Perform some karaoke music. I think everyone likes karaoke. That’s my biased opinion. Have everyone pick a song or two starting from the youngest to the oldest or the opposite and see who can belt out their favorite tunes.
6. Read a book. I mean an actual book. Not an ebook. This a great opportunity for some quiet time. Everyone needs to grab a book and get to reading.
7. Take a nice long nap. If you’ve been losing out on sleep, what a great time to catch up if you’re not working. A power nap does wonders, but a nice long nap is heavenly.
8. Make some baked goods. Cookies, banana bread, cupcakes, bread, or anything you can think of. If you’re not a baker, try your hand at baking. Baking is science you can eat. There will always be a great reward at the end.
9. Start a hobby. YouTube is a great resource. You might be an expert by the end of the day. The plethora of things that you can learn is endless, so get to “YouTubing.” You might be a graduate of you tube university very soon.
10. Work on a vision board. Manifestations the life you envision. Seeing your goals and aspirations in front of you have a way of advancing them if you’re really focused on that. Plus it’s fun creating a collage or writing down your dreams, especially the ones that scare you.
11. Make hot cocoa or indulge in some coffee. Put your barista skills to work or just make something to keep your insides warm.
12. Have some intimate time. Cuddle, snuggle, or have sex. However you chose to convey your love to your partner if they happen to be home, enjoy it.
13. Drink some wine. Open a bottle of some good wine. Considering we’ve been confined to our homes, what better place to take a couple sips.
14. Call friends or family. No texting. Like a real conversation where you hear their voices. It’s just good to check on the people you love at this time. They can lie through texts, but their voices can give a truer picture.
15. Throw something in the slow cooker. and engage in another activity. Why waste time slaving over a stove if cooking is not your thing? Make a great soup with little effort. Done and done.
16. Invite a neighbor over for coffee or cocoa. If you have a great neighbor, invite him/her/them over and have some great conversation over a piping hot cup of something. It might turn out into something beautiful.
17. Delete the unnecessary photos in your phone for more space. Who has ever gone to take a photo and gotten the message of no more storage? I know I have. Why not clear that up and back up with a cloud service or flash drive, and capture more memories.
18. When the wind subsides, go sledding.Take the kids out sledding if you have any. If it’s just you, a partner or friends, still get out there. It’s so much fun to be a kid again.
19. Join a social group online. Meet people who share common interests. Maybe you’re missing human interaction or you want to learn a new skill. What better way than to interact with people who motivate you.
20. Create a home spa. Yes and yes to this. Take a nice long bath. Allow your body just release all the stress of the new year and really cleanse yourself of it. Add some candles or grab a good book. Just get in there and relax.
I hope you make best of every snow day and welcome to a new month.