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Slaying Dragons

She humbly ushered us from girlhood into womanhood by simultaneously displaying exemplary...

I Did a Thing Yesterday

I hope to look back at these moments and treasure it not simply as a civic duty, but a moral...

Shut the World Out: How to Handle Your Child's Public Tantrum or Meltdown

This is the time for you to shut out the world, employ empathy and focus on meeting the...

My Nine-Year-Old Cheerleader: Finding Confidence Through My Daughter’s Belief

Kids have a way of seeing the world that adults sometimes forget. They see possibilities…

Little Moments and Lasting Memories

When I see her, I see me, even though she is a picture of her dad. She is thoughtful and kind...

5 Unexpected Parenting Lessons I Learned from Being a Babysitter

Transitioning from a babysitter to a parent is a journey filled with surprises, revelations, and growth.

My 9-Year-Old Joined a Group Chat and This is What Happened

She could ignore it, leave the group, or set an example for kindness.

10 Habits to Ensure a Successful School Year

The school year has began and I hope you are getting into the swing of things. With the return to school comes so many responsibilities....

Keep it on: Why Children Should Listen to the Radio

I own a 2014 Chevy sedan and that means technology is lacking severely. I had to purchase a wireless FM transmitter and car charger to...

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